Monday, April 2, 2012

MegaNewbie Here

Hey guys!  I am such a newbie at this that it is creepy.  I have so much to learn, but that is a good thing.  I have an Etsy store named PeekaPig and I make things out of wine bottles, wire, beads, and creativity.  This should be good and I am hoping it will get my store some more views.  My stuff is cool and I am not afraid to admit that.  Some people are good at sports, video games, cooking, etc. and that is not me.  I am good at crafts and artsy stuff.  I have done polymer clay beads, I have made hula hoops, I have decorated our home with whimsy.  If I see something I like I will usually try to make it.  And I have found the empty bottle.  I don't think I will ever look at a bottle in the same way.  Now I look to see what I can do with it.  OK I am all good for now and I am going to attempt to put a pic on.  Wish me luck and I will type at you soon.  Have fun, stay cool and enjoy this blog and life, Virg
Hello guys. I am Kelsey, Virginia's daughter and I'm just testing testing 1 2 3 to see how the posts look on the blog. My momma makes really cool stuff! Enjoy.